Giving plenty of advanced notice, your current PARALLAX Editor will be stepping aside effective December 31, 2024. After 7 (or 8 ?) years it is time for some young blood with fresh ideas and robust digital skills step up and take over the care, maintenance and feeding of our Chapter Newsletter PARALLAX. So please consider volunteering to be the next Editor and let's make it a smooth transition at the end of this calendar year.
As one who has tried to edit the Parallax, I just want to say there are some big shoes ("boots"?) to fill in replacing Doug. He has done a yeoman's job over the last decade in keeping us informed and entertained.
Doug is right in that new blood is a good thing for Parallax and for the chapter as a whole. I hope someone who thinks they might want to try this will contact Doug and start learning the ropes.
Well done, Doug!
Thanks for your years of Service, Doug. You have done a great job with humor.