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Lets join in on the effort:

NGS - GPS on Bench Marks

Help improve the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) and prepare for the NSRS modernization in 2022 by participating in the GPS on Bench Marks (GPS on BM) for the Transformation Tool campaign. Your efforts will support the following objectives:

  • Improve the 2022 Transformation Tool, which will enable conversions from current vertical datums to the North American-Pacific Geopotential Datum of 2022 (NAPGD2022) and will be integrated into the NGS Coordinate Conversion and Transformation Tool (NCAT).
  • Update Passive Control Status: mark recoveries and shared solutions provide NGS and other users of the NSRS with insight into the health of the passive control network and updated information for project planning.
  • Automatic Reprocessing in 2022: Shared data will be automatically reprocessed and given new coordinates after the NSRS modernization occurs in 2022.

Recover, Observe, Report

Regardless of your objective, GPS on BM will always include three important steps: recover, observe, and report.

Recover: Use GPSonBM web map to identify priority marks in your area, or the NGS Data Explorer to look up the description of existing bench marks. Follow the instructions on the Recover page to find bench marks of interest.

Observe: Follow instructions on the Observe page and record field notes, take digital photos, and collect GPS observations for the bench mark you visit.

Report: Use the online Mark Recovery Form to submit your recovery notes and photos and Share the OPUS Solutions from your GPS observations.

Campaign CountdownCampaign Countdown - January 2021 Only 11 months remain until the December 31st, 2021 deadline to collect and submit GPS data to NGS for use in developing products to be launched with the modernized National Spatial Reference System. NGS will use the GPSonBM data received by the deadline to compute the initial set of 2020.0 Reference Epoch Coordinates (REC) that will be released with the modernized system. This initial set of RECs will be the only ones used to build the 2022 Transformation Tool. While RECs will eventually be computed for data submitted after the deadline, the transformation grids will not be updated to include new data.
courtesy of NGS

Check out the recorded GPS on Benchmarks webinar to learn more

Robert Reese has offered to lend GPS equipment for CLSA members to borrow and collect GPS Observations on priority marks (as identified by NGS) in our area. Contact Robert at

Yours truly just did some two wheeled reconnaissance along Pozo Road, La Panza Road and Hwy 58 in San Luis Obispo County and successfully recovered 4 Brass Discs - L903, B66, E66, H963X. I need to return to find Y903, I just know its there, darn it !
- Editor