( Thursday December 3, 2020 @ 6pm PST via Zoom, see the Event Calendar for all the details)
Guest Speaker: CLSA President-Elect
Rob McMillan
CLSA President-elect Rob McMillan started surveying in 1985 for the City of Escondido. In 1988 he went to work in the Engineering Department office of the City of Encinitas. Rob joined Caltrans District 11 in 1990, working initially in the field and later in the office. In 2006 he promoted to Caltrans HQ as Chief of Surveys Standards, switched to Chief of Training in 2011, Acted as Chief of Land Surveys for 5 months in 2012, running the “corporate office” and bringing mobile laser scanning to Caltrans. In 2013, Rob transferred to District 4 to shepherd a couple of major projects. He returned to HQ in 2014 as Chief of Surveys Coordination working on Program Project Management and supervising the Office of Land Surveys rank and file staff. Rob transferred back to San Diego in 2016 to help care for his dad, and that brings us up to today. During these past 35 years, he also worked for private firms in the field on weekends when their business was booming, and once he became licensed, he ran his own small business helping land surveyor friends in the private sector with their workload peaks.
"I want to hear your member ideas to improve and continue to grow CLSA along the Central Coast and throughout the state. What can every Chapter and every member do to encourage CLSA membership and participation? I would like to see us instill membership and participation in CLSA as a habit with the people brand new to our profession, and those who are our seasoned field technicians. When our technicians ask why we belong to CLSA, the answer is 'Because being a member of CLSA is what professionals do…'
I want all of us to do good work, and to thrive personally and professionally.”