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Is it February, already?!?! As January was rather dry, I am writing this while gleefully listening to pitter-patter of the much needed rain falling on the metal roof above...

This moth we have some great employment opportunities to share. We also have an excellent article written by Michael Quartaroli, PLS regarding the seps we should be taking to preserve monuments when working in areas where wildland fire mitigation may be taking place. We also have a humorous article by Carl R. Baca, PLS. As always, please feel free to reach out with content, comments and suggestions to:
-Matt Cunningham

With the recent wildfires taking place in southern California, the following is especially timely in looking at the steps that should be adopted as it relates to preserving monuments in areas that are subject to wildland fires.

Cuesta College is looking to find someone who would be interested in teaching the surveying class. Here are the class details. Please let me know if you have any questions. We are able to do emergency hires, but will need to get the paperwork started this week or early next week to have the individual cleared by our Human Resources team before the first class meeting on March 8th.

When and Where:

March 8th through May 17th

Saturdays 8:00am-11:20am for lecture and 12:00-5:20pm for lab on the Cuesta College SLO Campus room 4118 (We have a class set of surveying equipment)

There are currently 15 students enrolled in the course


A description of the course learning objectives are attached.  I could work with Rudy Schalk to see if he would share his teaching materials.


  1. Master’s in Engineering (any field) or Engineering Technology


  1. Any Bachelor’s degree and 2 years work experience in surveying


  1. Any Associate’s degree and 6 years work experience in surveying


  1. Bachelor’s in Engineering (any field) AND a Master’s in Math, Physics, Computer Science, or Geology


  1. Bachelor’s in Industrial Technology, Engineering Technology, or Engineering AND a professional engineer’s license.


The base pay for the course is $6,185. If the instructor has additional education or teaching experience, their compensation would be higher.

Please let me know if you could use any more information.

Anyone interested can email me, or call my direct office line: 805-592-9849 Or my Cell: 208-220-3156.


Erin Naegle

Dean of Instruction for STEM


P: (805)592-9849

The California Transportation Department - CalTrans - has Transportation Surveyor Opportunities throughout District 5 (San Luis Obispo, Monterey and Santa Barbara Counties). For all the information and how to apply visit

your last thank-you note was filled out yellow keel crayon.
you actually know what “keel” is.
you painted your mobile home or truck with upside down spray paint.
your Christmas packages have florescent lime ribbon and blueprint wrapping…and you
recognize the job on the blueprints.
you open a beer with a plumb bob…..through the side of the can.
one of your favorite pickup lines is “Wanna check out my stake collection?”
your new baby girl’s room has pink wallpaper…with tripods on it.
you think getting “set up” with a blind date involves a tripod.
you can’t talk to someone without a set of plans in your hand.
your idea of a sexy outfit involves snake leggings, or an orange vest.
you have the County Surveyor on your smart phone’s speed dial.
your favorite hat has a tripod, plumb bob or a target somewhere on it.
you have at least one item of clothing with “safety” in the name of the color.
you actually stop to look at machetes while touring the swap meet.
you have at least one broken sledgehammer head in your garage.
you buy TechNu poison oak lotion in one gallon containers.
you can tell when there’s poison oak nearby by smell alone.
you send your kid to an Easter egg hunt….with a shovel.
you encourage your kid to dig a 3 foot wide hole during an Easter egg hunt party just to
make sure no other kid will find the egg.
the last book you bought was at the CLSA auction.
you have, somewhere in your garage, a bunch of old pipes or stakes with somebody
else’s LS number on them.
you get moody when someone calls you an “engineer”.
you have one or more lock combinations written on the dash of your truck.
you know the LS numbers of all the local surveyors, but have a hard time remembering
your wedding anniversary.

-submitted by Robert Reese with apologies to Jeff Foxworthy

The Chapter's Annual Summer BBQ was held Saturday Sept. 7 at Cuesta Park in SLO. Ken Fargen and crew once again prepared delicious grilled beef and chicken served with all the fixin's to chapter members, families, and friends along with this year's Trig*Star winners, their families and teachers. Trig*Star awards were presented and raffle prizes were rewarded to lucky ticket holders. Many THANK YOUs to the Fargen crew, Trig*Star Coordinator Luz Garcia, all those who generously donated the raffle prizes and a personal thank you to Matt Cunningham for pinch hitting for me in the ice/beverage/raffle drawing duties. And a special THANK YOU to Western Land Surveys, Inc for their cooling donation of the ice and beverages on that HOT 102° day !